MENT/Stronger than Tren – Trestolone Acetate

Original price was: £70.00.Current price is: £57.00.

Name: MENT 50mg
Manufacturer: Intex Pharma
Contains: Trestolone Acetate 7-Methy-19-Nortestosterone 50mg
Contains: 10ml Vial / 50mg per 1ml


  • MENT the Monster Steroid!
  • Extremely Powerful Anabolic Steroid
  • Rapidly Pack on Muscle
  • Shred Fat Away ASAP
  • Drastic Increase in Strength
  • Highly Anabolic Compound


Name: MENT 50mg
Manufacturer: Intex Pharma
Contains: Trestolone Acetate 7-Methy-19-Nortestosterone 50mg
Contains: 10ml Vial / 50mg per 1ml


  • MENT the Monster Steroid!
  • Extremely Powerful Anabolic Steroid
  • Rapidly Pack on Muscle
  • Shred Fat Away ASAP
  • Drastic Increase in Strength
  • Highly Anabolic Compound

7α-Methyl-19-Nortestosterone (MENT) vs. Trenbolone (TREN)

Yes Tren Ace set the bench mark but meet Ment! Trestolone is 3 x Stronger than trenbolone- Yes thats right -ment is three times more potent and anabolic than trenbolone.

About Trestolone:
Trestolone is as much as 5-10 times more potent than Testosterone and as much as 3 times more powerful than TREN! Users can experience huge increases in mental clarity, fullness, pumps and surpass all previous personal best lifts in the gym as well as huge increases in lean muscle mass and vascularity.

Ment Half Life:
Alphalone is in the body around 2/5 days. After a period of 1 month, all traces of Ment ace will be out of your system for purposes of drug testing – urine/blood samples.

Ment Dosage:
Anywhere from 1ml to 3ml per week

Ment can be stacked with:
Trestolone can aromatize greatly – so a strong AI (Aromasin or Arimidex) is a must while running this compound. Other than that, perhaps a testosterone base and oral such as Anavar would be an amazing stack, can also be stacked with HGH and other steroids .

Trestolone expected results / Gains:
Most users can expect to achieve 10-12kg after 6 weeks rougly. Massive lean muscle and strength gains – more so than anything else available on the market – oral or injectable.

Within a few days on Ment Ace you would begin to notice and feel immediate changes.Increased fullness ,pumps , vascularity , mental focus and aggression can be seen. A 4-6 week cycle of this incorporated into your cycle would yield mind blowing results better than anything else you can buy on the market or use. All personal best lifts and gains should be beaten after using Ment.