Test Enanthate Lab Tested 250


Brand: Zyroxx Labs
Contains per 1ml: Testosterone Enanthate 250mg
10ml per bottle.
Expiry date: 2028

All oils have 2% Benzyl Alcohol & 20% Benzyl Benzoate for low PIP
4 year expiry dates and suspended in grapeseed carrier oil.


Brand: Zyroxx Labs
Contains per 1ml: Testosterone Enanthate 250mg
10ml per bottle.
Expiry date: 2028

*Chemical Name *
Testosterone Enanthate

♦ About ♦
The most classic and straight forward long ester Testosterone. Long acting, should be the base of most cycles. Highly favorable due to less frequent injections (possible one jab per week).

♦ Active Life ♦
10/12 days. Test Cyp is 10-14 days literally 2 days in it , Enan is the most popular

♦ Detection Time ♦
After a period of 3 months, all traces of Test Enanthate will be out of your system for purposes of drug testing – urine/blood samples.

♦ Average Dose ♦
250-1000mg per week.

♦ Goes well with ♦
Anavar, Anadrol, Dianabol, Proviron, Winstrol etc .. an oral addition would be ideal and also for a kick start. Can stack with Deca, Boldenone, Tren and most other anabolic/androgenic compounds.

♦ Expected weight / muscle gain ♦
10-12kg after 12-16 weeks.

♦ How fast to notice changes ♦
From week 3/4 as all long esters will kick in after 10/14 days.

♦ Side effects ♦
Possible increased hair growth, acne, deepening of voice, classical testosterone symptoms.