TNMT 500 Hemi Pharma

Original price was: £55.00.Current price is: £47.00.

Hemi Pharma MassMix 500
Each 1ml contains:
Testosterone Enanthate 125mg USP
Nandrolone Decanote 125mg USP
Trenbolone Enanthate 125mg USP
Drostanolone Enanthate 125mg



Hemi Pharma MassMix 500
Each 1ml contains:
Testosterone Enanthate 125mg USP
Nandrolone Decanote 125mg USP
Trenbolone Enanthate 125mg USP
Drostanolone Enanthate 125mg

This stack is brilliant for bulking but more so a leaner bulk thanks to the addition of trenbolone in the equation.

Test is the foundation of the cycle

Deca is a mass builder and promotes more pumps and protein synthesis (muscle growth) as well as aiding joints

Masteron is an amazing compound that doesnt convert to estrogen and is considred by many a super cutting steroid

Tren is a bulker and a cutter at the same time. Diet will bring about the results based on goal, with tren it is much more easily attainable.